CPT Codes

CPT Code for 99213 – A Comprehensive Guide

CPT Code 99213

CPT codes are an integral part of a system that keeps healthcare flowing. It is a standardized code to describe the services provided to a patient and thus, avoids any reimbursement and documentation issues. CPT codes are published and maintained by the American Medical Association (AMA)  in this context, CPT code for 99213 is among the most frequently billed codes in outpatient practice. The code embodies series of steps that is designed specifically for patients with diseases of moderate complexity. CPT 99213 is specifically an Evaluation and Management (E/M) code and these codes are data vectors for office or other outpatient services provided to patients during the in-person visit.

What is CPT code for 99213 used for?

CPT code for 99213 is used in a visit by a patient with an established relationship with the provider to a visit that:

But remember that the CPT code for 99213 does not pay for more complex procedures or a more extensive medical exam. If more decision making and/or expertise was required by the patient, another CPT code may be appropriate. So healthcare providers really have to pay attention to what type of visit and make sure things are properly coded so that they are getting paid for the work they did.

99213 CPT code is a popular code in outpatient visits in medical billing coding. It is used as a code for E/M services during moderate complexity visits. In order to document the level of service rendered, healthcare providers must take a medical history from the patient, execute a problem focused exam, and formulate a treatment plan. It is billable on a per-patient, per-time basis, but at least half of the total face-time must be counseling and coordination of care.

A proper, efficient healthcare system relies upon all coding participants following the rules and accurately documenting what is occurring. It gets used by healthcare providers, medical coders, insurance companies, the government and even patients. Code 99213 is used by a wide variety of health care providers, from doctors and physicians to any other practitioner submitting evaluation and management services at outpatient treatment facilities.

This is especially true in those primary care settings where patients are dispersed and receiving preventive or episodic care. Coders and experts bill correctly with new CPT codes assigned to those services. Insurance companies use the CPT code for 99213 to process claims. This code can then be used to determine the complexity of the visit and what level of services were provided. For a 99213 visit, the provider usually spends 15 minutes. Again, this time is not a hard limit, but is indicative of the amount of in-person communication in general or in this case, physically mandated.

Examples of Visits under CPT code for 99213

To clarify what CPT code for 99213 is used for, let’s consider common examples of patient visits that qualify. These scenarios highlight the typical situations that align with problem-focused history, limited examination, and low complexity medical decision-making.

1. Chronic Disease Follow-Up

CPT code for 99213 is frequently billed for the management of chronic conditions, like a patient with well controlled Type 2 Diabetes coming in for a review of glucose values and lab reports. Provider touches base: brief history, limited PE, slight adjustments in medications to maintain stability.

2. Medication Management

Medication management visits are centered on managing a patient’s condition, such as hypertension, to verify if the treatment is being followed and whether it is effective. The provider reviews vital signs and progress, and can offer counseling or small adjustments in medication.

3. Follow-Up for Mild Injuries

If a sprained ankle is followed by a visit under a CPT code for 99213, the visit would include reviewing how healing is progressing, carrying out a limited physical exam and advising future treatment, such as home care or physical therapy.

4. Behavioral Health Management

Behavioral health appointments for stable anxiety or depression include symptom assessment, adherence to prescribed medications and counseling. These visits keep the patient stable with few changes.

5. Routine Allergy Management

For seasonal allergies, providers assess symptoms, do targeted exams and review treatment options such as antihistamines or nasal sprays. This simple care meets the requirements for CPT code for 99213.

How Much Does Medicare Pay Credited to CPT code for 99213?

Over the years, one of the questions we get asked most often is, “What does Medicare pay for CPT code for 99213?” Medicare reimbursement rates vary slightly by geographic location and annual fee schedule updates made by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). In 2024, the baseline payment for a Medicare reimbursement for CPT code for 99213 is about $85 to $95. This figure represents the national payment average, but can vary based on:

Breakdown of Medicare Payment

And so the component elements together dictate the reimbursement for services rendered under CPT code for 99213.

What is the role of the CPT code for 99213 in insurance billing and reimbursement?

Reimbursement can also affect insurance coverage; as an example, insurance companies (such as Medicare and Medicaid) usually accept most services falling under CPT code for 99213, so by default they usually will be covered or qualify for all care guarantees. So methods of payment under similar code are relatively benign and require only minor increases compared to other payments. The average amount billed per visit by code is approximately $70 to $100.

Therefore, healthcare providers are required to document all the clinical services rendered at the office visit to successfully bill for office reimbursement. These clinical notes should contain the patient’s presenting complaint, relevant history, examination findings, and clinical reasoning. If a visit meets these criteria, it will code for a 99213.

How to Bill for CPT code for 99213

There are a few key tips that providers should keep in mind every time they use CPT code for 99213 if they want to ensure that they are correctly billing for those services and maximizing reimbursement.

Link the appropriate ICD-10 Codes

Avoid Upcoding or Downcoding

To Bill the appropriate Evaluation and Management (E/M) level based on the complexity of the visit:

Adhere to Time-Based Billing Guidelines

If billing based on time, it is important to document total time spent face to face with the patient and what that time involved (eg, counseling, coordination of care). For CPT code for 99213, you generally spend about 15-20 minutes with the patient reviewing history, giving advice, and discussing treatment plans.

Train Staff on Appropriate Coding Practices

Please, make sure that providers and billing staff get regular training on E/M coding guidelines and know how to tell when to use CPT code for 99213 versus when to choose other levels of service (e.g., 99212 or 99214).


It is very important for one and all− to use the CPT code for 99213 correctly and have a sound understanding of the guidelines and rules associated with it. It is responsible for ensuring that billing practices are honest and fair to both parties. After entering this code correctly, it guarantees efficient operations, elevated patient satisfaction, and adequate reimbursement.

Government agencies like Medicare and Medicaid use CPT 99213 to determine reimbursement rates as well. In the meantime, this is a means to ensure that services of health care are utilized as intended. Keep in mind, the helper code 99213 is utilized for in general visits, but that those patients originating this helper label, they never actually directly utilize this code. This code has provided structure and clarity to the medical services performed, and serves as a sort of guideline for people working in billing and reimbursement.

FAQ - People Also Asks

CPT 99213 is an office or other outpatient visit, established patient. It usually constitutes a straightforward medical decision-making process and requires the healthcare provider to spend 20-29 minutes of total time on the encounter.

To bill CPT 99213, the visit must include at least two of these three components:

  • An expanded problem-focused history.
  • An expanded problem-focused examination.
  • Medical decision-making of low complexity.

This code is often used for patients with conditions that are of low to moderate severity.

CPT 99213 is used for:

  • Follow-up care for chronic conditions like diabetes or hypertension.
  • Treatment of minor acute illnesses, such as respiratory infections or mild injuries.
  • Adjustments to treatment plans, including medications and lifestyle advice.

In 2025, Medicare reimburses approximately $89.39 for CPT code for 99213. The exact payment can vary based on geographic location and other adjustments set by the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule​

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